Important facts about the AS 4801 certification

The AS 4801 is the standard for safety management in Australia. This standard is a benchmark which assesses the occupational health and safety in different management systems. It works by helping organisations develop and implement such policies and objective which show that a company has complete knowledge and control over the hazard which might be present in a working environment. It is now become more important than ever for an organisation to implement a management system which works in compliance with the safety standards.

The benefits of AS 4801 certification

The following are a few benefits of obtaining the IAS 4801 certification for business organisations:

  • It is essential for businesses to Foster a culture of safety in and around the workplace. It is one way of ensuring that their employees remain safe in their working environment
  • It can help businesses implement and effective safe management system.
  • It can reduce the instances of workplace injuries and illnesses and can save in multinational company millions of dollars in legal claims from individuals who may have suffered injuries in the workplace.
  • It is also one of the best ways of improving your company’s reputation full stop it creates an image of a reliable partner contractor or supplier. In a way it is something which allows your clients to see that your company is strongly motivated was improving its safety performance and has the best interest of its employees at heart.

The certification would be extremely valuable for business organisations. Its not only has them attract a bigger client but can also help generate a higher revenue plus gain the confidence of its customers. There are certain businesses which might require the certification in order to win tenders. If you are looking for a certification you need to find companies such as Atlas Certification which specialise in helping organisations develop and implement safety management system.

Creating an as4801 system

In order to become certified to our business organisation should meet minimum requirements. It is important for you to read the standard and understand it thoroughly while at the same time in showing that you know all the terminologies. You need to understand what requirements are present in the AS 4801 standard. Then you need to make changes in your management system and ensure that it is according to the standard. The third step is to perform a gap analysis and identify whether your business is ready.

It is now more than important then ever forward place to be safe for its workers. Even though injuries at the workplace are often unavoidable a well regulated environment can ensure the risk of such occurrences. Workplace injuries can cost the business millions of dollars in cash. Any business which place to comply with the safety regulations and laws might suffer from high litigation cost and also a damage to the brand reputation. A certification would confirm that your business is compliant with all the safety standards. However this certification last for only three years and would need to be renewed accordingly.

Things to keep in mind when buying professional art supplies

If you are buying professional art supplies, there are several things which should be kept in mind. Although the products quality may differ from one art supply store to another you should have the ability to recognize the right kind of professional supplies. The quality of the products that you buy would have a major impact on the finished product.

An artist knows that there is a whole lot of technical difference between the products which are professional and the usual stuff which is sold in the market. Even if everyone has some idea that a paint is made up of a binder and a solvent they should also have knowledge of what good quality paint would look like.

The following are some tips to ensure that you buy the right quality products for yourself

Choose professional art supplies based on the tint

If you are not too sure about the quality of a paint you can always go for two of a different quality. you can carry out the stain test by mixing the same amount of paint with the same amount of titanium white. Use a palette knife to makes the paints and then add the substrate. The tints you make would allow you to be able to see a visible difference between the qualities of the two paints. Buy the paint which appears to you on a professional level.

What you need to keep in mind when buying professional art supplies

  • Even if you are on the lookout for art supplies which give you good value for money it is important that you check out the reviews left by previous customers. It would help give you an idea regarding the quality of the paints which you want to buy. Same goes for any other kind of art supplies like canvases and mediums.
  • It should also be kept in mind that because something is expensive doesn’t necessarily mean that it is high quality. Sometimes you can find the best art supplies on a budget as well. Instead of just blindly trusting upon the brands you need to develop your own distinctive style and then only by products which work for you.
  • It is also important that you consider the reliability of the supplier of an art store. Even if it requires more time than usual you would not be disappointed in what you have bought.
  • It is necessary to know what kind of medium you work best in. If you are fond of using acrylic you should only buy products which support your acrylic painting. Brushes and canvas which are specifically designed for people who are interested in acrylic painting. Same goes for somebody who is fond of using oil paints. If you are a watercolor enthusiast you should look into supplies which would enhance your work to the extent of making it look completely professional.

Buy professional artist supplies from MES, which would help facilitate your work as an artist.

How To Teach Storytelling Techniques To Children?

Storytelling is a very useful skill. People should always consider teaching storytelling to their children because it polishes their learning skills, their expression, their reading, and most importantly their imagination. If you’re worried about how to teach storytelling techniques to children you don’t have to be because we have a few amazing and easy tips for teaching storytelling techniques. 

Set good examples

While teaching anything to kindergarten students it’s very important to set good examples for them and the same rule applies to storytelling techniques. You have to give them exposure to good storytelling and the library can be a very good source of doing that. This will teach kids what is good storytelling, how it is done, and what requires to be a good storyteller. Furthermore, seek help from the internet and search for some really good storytelling videos and show them to your kid. 

Expose them to different stories

If you want to teach kindergartens in adelaide to be a good storyteller you have to expose them to different stories and let them decide which story they like and want to imitate. Because it’s very important that the story your kid is going to tell others must have his personal interest. Because his own interest in the story will enhance his storytelling skills.  

Teach him to be expressive 

Good storytelling requires a lot of expression, gestures, body language, voice patching, eye contact, facial expression. While teaching them storytelling you have to teach how to involve emotions and expressions through your body language. Tell them to let their eyes talk directly to the audience, to express emotions through their voice, to let their gestures and body language speak louder than their words. First show them how it’s done and then ask them to mimic you.

Picture books

Picture books are the best source to improve storytelling skills. They enhance the imagination power of kindergarten students. A wordless book helps them to imagine the story through their imagination as a picture speaks a lot louder than words but all depending on the imagination of the reader. It allows the reader to invent the plot. So let your kids be creative.

Lots of practice

Remind your kindergarten children to practice a lot. They might be comfortable practicing in front of you, mirror videotaping themselves. Let them practice in any way they want because practice is the key. It helps them memorize the story and keep reminding students to be very expressive while practicing. Furthermore, search around in your area if there is any institute offering storytelling or acting techniques. Because that will really polish and enhance your kindergarten kid’s skills. These institutes will help them step out of their comfort zone and practice their skills.

Storytelling technique is a very fun skill and helps your kid in numerous ways. With proper counseling, inspiration, support, and the right techniques your kid can learn a lot. Hence mentioned above are a few tips on how to teach storytelling techniques to your child.  

3 tricks to learn languages like this champion

Matthew Youlden speaks nine languages ​​casually and gets along in at least ten others. We work in the same office in Berlin and I regularly hear it pass from one language to another like a chameleon that changes color. It is so polyglot that until recently I didn’t even know that English (British) was his native language. When I confessed to Matthew that I was struggling to learn even one language, he gave me some tips that proved to be very useful. If you think it’s impossible to become bilingual, read below and change your mind!

    It may seem obvious, but if you don’t have a good reason to learn a new language you will be less motivated to carry on your mission. Wanting to learn French to put on airs in front of one’s countrymen is not one of the best reasons. If the aim is to have a conversation with a native French speaker who you would like to know better, you will already have something extra. Whatever the reason for your interest, once you have chosen the language to learn, the essential is the commitment you will put in it: “Well, I decided that I want to learn this language well, so I will do everything possible to use it, read it, speak it and listen to it whenever I have the opportunity. “
    Once you have made the decision to commit seriously, how do you proceed? What is the best way to dedicate yourself to the study of a language? Matthew recommends the maximalist approach: no matter what tools you use, the fundamental thing is to practice daily with the new language. “Usually I tend to want to absorb as much as possible from the beginning. Day after day I try to think in that language, write, or even speak for myself. For me it’s all about really putting into practice what I’m learning, whether it’s writing an email, talking, or listening to radio or music in that language. It is very important to immerse yourself as much as possible in the culture of the new language. ” Keep in mind one thing: the best training ever is to speak in other languages ​​with other people. Being able to conduct a conversation, however simple it is, is already an excellent reward, as well as one of the initial goals that help you stay motivated and keep your commitment to practice continuously. “I always keep one thing in mind: it is essential to adapt our way of thinking to the way we think in the other language. Obviously there is no single way of thinking for all people who speak Spanish, or Hebrew, or Dutch, but the point is to use language as a tool to build your own world around us. “
    Matthew started learning various languages ​​together with his twin brother Michael (just think: they grappled with their first foreign language, Greek, when they were only eight years old!). Matthew and Michael received their superpowers from a typical sibling rivalry case: “We were very motivated, and we still are. If my brother realizes that I am doing more, he becomes envious and works hard to fight me, and vice versa – we understand that we are twins … “. Even if you don’t have brothers or sisters to keep you company on your language adventure, having a partner with whom to practice will always push both of you to take one step further and stay motivated.

How to learn English faster: 5 tips

Use these 5 tips on how to learn English faster as a starting point and you will master this beautiful language in no time!

  1. Read whatever happens to you at your fingertips
    Literary classics, paperback books, newspapers, websites, emails, social media updates, cereal boxes: as of as many terms that you already know. This helps you improve quickly, because re-exposing yourself to words you know gives you new examples within a context, thus reinforcing the words in your mind. for building your own vocabulary, especially in a language like English, with so many words! Anyway, don’t just read, what you have to do next is …
  2. Actively take note of new words
    This advice is recurring for a good reason: it works! When you learn, you are often so happy with a new word or phrase that it seems impossible to forget it. But trust me, not everything is impressed the first time. To counter this trend, get in the habit of carrying a nice notebook or using tools like Evernote. When you hear or read a new word or expression, write it down and put it in context, that is, use it in a sentence and write its translation. This saves you time, because when you return to that voice you won’t ask yourself “What was the meaning of this word / expression?”
  3. Talk to real people
    What does a language do if not for communicating? Of course, we human beings have become experts in communicating without having to open our mouths (thanks Whatsapp!) But when it comes down to it, the truth is that speaking a language helps to fix it in the mind much better than simply reading or writing it. Think of how many times have you heard someone say that they understand English, but cannot speak it. Many people who would like to speak English have turned this ability into an insurmountable barrier, which only serves to panic them. Don’t be like that. Look for native speakers for an informal language exchange, sign up for a language course abroad or take lessons online.
  4. podcasts or youtube channels (in English)
    Do you like humor? Politics? Blogs? To cook? With topics covering all conceivable interests, there is definitely a podcast or Youtube channel in English for you. Sign up for any of these and listen to them as you drive or watch them on the way to school. At first you may find it difficult to understand the accent, but insist and you will soon begin to understand what you hear (and also to learn many new words from native speakers!)
  5. Go abroad
    You know the best way to learn English is to immerse yourself completely, living and studying in an English speaking country! For example with a study holiday . It’s no secret that English is the most widely spoken language in the world and with a long list of countries to choose from, you can select your ideal learning environment based on the hemisphere, climate or city you prefer. What do you think of studying English in England or learning English in America or more exotic places like New Zealand, Australia or why not South Africa!